Evidence Listing

The Inquiry will publish evidence after it has been adduced at hearings.

Witness statements and any other documentary evidence will be published here. Oral evidence (videos and transcripts) can also be found here, under the relevant witness, and via our Hearings page. Content will usually be available within 24 hours of an evidence session taking place.

Use the filters below to search for specific pieces of evidence.

Some of the evidence published here may contain content which people may find distressing. The wellbeing of people participating in the Inquiry is extremely important to the Inquiry. 

In the context of the Inquiry's processes, free, confidential, emotional and psychological support services are available from PAM Wellness, for witnesses, their supporters and participants in the Inquiry. For advice on coping with traumatic events, or information on how to access these services please see here.

POL00029165 - ICL Pathway, Horizon System Audit Manual (CSR) V1.3

Witness: Jeremy Folkes, Jan Holmes

POL00031815 - Presentation on Horizon Integrity by Dave Smith

Witness: Alan Bates, Jason Coyne

FUJ00079783 - ICL Pathway Corrective Action CSR+ Audit

Witness: David McDonnell, Terence Austin, Mike Coombs, Peter Jeram

FUJ00079782 - ICL Pathway CSR+ Development Audit v1

Witness: Terence Austin, Mike Coombs, Peter Jeram, David McDonnell, Jan Holmes

POL00000353 - PO Board Minutes of 14091999

Witness: Jonathan Evans, Stuart Sweetman

POL00028465 - Email from D Miller re Horizon Acceptance Progress

Witness: John Meagher, Stuart Sweetman