All Evidence

This page lists all evidence published by the Inquiry. Use the filters below to search for specific pieces of evidence.

FUJ00083574 - Email from Mark Jarosz to Gareth Jenkins re PC0057957

Witness: Mark Jarosz, Anne Chambers

FUJ00067416 - Error Log PC0045061

Witness: David McDonnell, Terence Austin

POL00089779 - ICL Internal Audit Plan 2000 V1.3

Witness: Anthony Oppenheim

POL00029165 - ICL Pathway, Horizon System Audit Manual (CSR) V1.3

Witness: Jeremy Folkes, Jan Holmes

POL00031815 - Presentation on Horizon Integrity by Dave Smith

Witness: Alan Bates, Jason Coyne

FUJ00079783 - ICL Pathway Corrective Action CSR+ Audit

Witness: David McDonnell, Terence Austin, Mike Coombs, Peter Jeram